
The glass comes from wonderful companies that make vivid swirls of color or the depth of color in opaque glass. Because I am a wildlife lover, the patterns and colors in my glass designs are drawn from nature.

I am practical, so my designs are functional. We all need picture frames, dishes, bowls coasters and whimsical wall art.

How to make glass

How to make glass

A glass project always starts with a pattern whether frame, bowl or wall art. The glass is then chosen. I do it by laying the glass beside or top the pieces to be fused to decide how the glass piece project the feels. Is there color contrasts, color matching or color depth? The glass is then cut using the pattern. Shelf paper is put down to prevent the glass fusing to the kiln shelf. The glass is placed in the kiln on the shelf paper and kiln programed following a specific firing schedule. Once cooled to 100 degrees it can be removed and cleaned for use. This takes app.15 hrs.

Host an event, have some fun.

Host an event, have some fun.